
Iota Omicron Lambda Chapter Historical Overview

Inspired by the legacies of hard work and determination left by those who came before them, and consistent with ΑΦΑ’s original blueprint, ten Brothers—Alton A. Arnold, Clinton W. Austin, Thomas J. Connage, Med D. Cullins, Danny P. Davis, Robert W. Dews, Melvin C. Hall, Bobby E. Lewis, Phillip L. Mallory, and Sylvester L. Shannon—envisioned what a Chapter in the Pikes Peak Region could be.

After being assigned to Fort Carson, Colorado, July 29, 1968, Brother Sylvester Shannon immediately solicited the help and cooperation of other Alpha Brothers in the area. A nucleus group of 10 was assembled, and Brother Shannon was elected president. These gentlemen did the hard work and heavy lifting necessary for an Alpha chapter to be established in Colorado Springs. As a result, their efforts went forward on November 15, 1969, for recognition as a chapter.

Their resolve was answered when on December 22, 1969, the General Organization of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., “ordered, granted, ordained, and established a chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, said chapter to be known as Iota Omicron Lambda of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.”

Immediately the charter members started recruiting professional men of integrity that vowed to spearhead and support events that benefited individuals and communities. Since then, Iota Omicron Lambda has welcomed into its fold over 300 Brothers dedicated to strengthening the Chapter’s foundation and expanding its positive influence and support.